How the constitution was written

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We all know that the Constitution was written in 1787. However, lesser-known fact about the drafting of the U.S. Constitution involves the actual physical writing of the document. While James Madison is often credited with penning the Constitution due to his substantial contributions to its content, the task of physically writing out the final document was given to Jacob Shallus, an assistant clerk for the Pennsylvania State Assembly. Shallus was engaged to engross the document — that is, to transcribe the final agreed-upon text in a clear, large hand onto parchment — a task for which he was paid the sum of $30 (a significant amount at the time). He completed this monumental task in a hurried pace over the weekend before the final signing on September 17, 1787. His name remains largely in the shadows of history, with few recognizing the hand that inscribed the foundational words of the longest-standing written constitution still in use today.