B: System of Government

  • Congress

  • legislative

  • President

  • executive

  • the courts

  • judicial

  • checks and balances

  • separation of powers

  • the President

  • Congress

  • Senate and House (of Representatives)

  • (U.S. or national) legislature

  • the Senate and House (of Representatives)

  • one hundred (100)

  • six (6)

  • Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents and residents of U.S. territories should answer that D.C. (or the territory where the applicant lives) has no U.S. Senators.]

  • four hundred thirty-five (435)

  • two (2)

  • Answers will vary. [Residents of territories with nonvoting Delegates or Resident Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate or Commissioner. Also acceptable is any statement that the territory has no (voting) Representatives in Congress.]

  • all people of the state

  • (because of) the state’s population

  • (because) they have more people

  • (because) some states have more people

  • four (4)

  • November

  • Joe Biden

  • Kamala Harris

  • the Vice President

  • the Speaker of the House

  • the President

  • the President

  • the President

  • advises the President

  • Secretary of Agriculture

  • Secretary of Commerce

  • Secretary of Defense

  • Secretary of Education

  • Secretary of Energy

  • Secretary of Health and Human Services

  • Secretary of Homeland Security

  • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

  • Secretary of the Interior

  • Secretary of Labor

  • Secretary of State

  • Secretary of Transportation

  • Secretary of the Treasury

  • Secretary of Veterans Affairs

  • Attorney General

  • Vice President

  • reviews laws

  • explains laws

  • resolves disputes (disagreements)

  • decides if a law goes against the Constitution

  • the Supreme Court

  • nine (9)

  • John Roberts

  • to print money

  • to declare war

  • to create an army

  • to make treaties

  • provide schooling and education

  • provide protection (police)

  • provide safety (fire departments)

  • give a driver’s license

  • approve zoning and land use

  • Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. does not have a Governor.]

  • Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. is not a state and does not have a capital. Residents of U.S. territories should name the capital of the territory.]

  • Democratic and Republican

  • Democratic (Party)

  • Mike Johnson