A: Colonial Period and Independence

  • freedom

  • political liberty

  • religious freedom

  • economic opportunity

  • practice their religion

  • escape persecution

  • American Indians

  • Native Americans

  • Africans

  • people from Africa

  • because of high taxes (taxation without representation)

  • because the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering)

  • because they didn’t have self-government

  • (Thomas) Jefferson

  • July 4, 1776

  • New Hampshire

  • Massachusetts

  • Rhode Island

  • Connecticut

  • New York

  • New Jersey

  • Pennsylvania

  • Delaware

  • Maryland

  • Virginia

  • North Carolina

  • South Carolina

  • Georgia

  • The Constitution was written.

  • The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.

  • 1787

  • (James) Madison

  • (Alexander) Hamilton

  • (John) Jay

  • Publius

  • U.S. diplomat

  • oldest member of the Constitutional Convention

  • first Postmaster General of the United States

  • writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac”

  • started the first free libraries

  • (George) Washington

  • (George) Washington